Previous Field Trip Announcements
"The Stratigraphy of Hither Hills State Park" Kevin Hatton, Taylor Grandfield and Rondi Davies Saturday, April 13, 2024 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Pebbly Loess and Carolina Bays on Long Island" Gil Hanson and Glenn Richard Saturday, November 2, 2013 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Previous Field Trip Announcements
“Geology of Wildwood State Park” Gil Hanson and Glenn Richard Saturday October 29, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Geology of the Flax Pond Salt Marsh, and the Adjacent Gravel Beach" Glenn Richard Saturday June 18, 2011
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Groundwater Remediation Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory Douglas Paquette and Robert Howe Saturday October 23, 2010 9 AM to 12 noon
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Brookhaven Town Landfill David Tonjes Saturday June 19, 2010 9 AM to 1 PM
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Reading the Beach Michael Slattery Saturday October 31, 2009 9 AM to 12 Noon
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Selden Hill-Hole Pair Sean Tvelia Suffolk Community College 9 AM to 12 Noon Saturday June 27, 2009
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Is the Carmans River Occupying a Tributary in a Large Tunnel Valley? Gil Hanson Saturday November 1, 2008 9 AM to 12 Noon
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Geology of Port Jefferson Gil Hanson Saturday June 28, 2008 9 AM to 12 noon
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Geology of the David Weld Sanctuary Saturday November 17, 2007 Led by Gilbert N. Hanson
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Long Island's Central Pine Barrens Sunday June 24, 2007 Led by Glenn Richard and Gil Hanson
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Geology of Central Park: From Rocks to Ice Charles Merguerian Hofstra University Saturday June 24, 2006
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Glacial Tectonics and Walking Dunes Hither Hills State Park" Dan Davis and Mitchell Cangelosi Saturday October 29, 2005
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Geology of the Stony Brook University Campus" Gil Hanson Saturday June 25, 2005 Newsday Article about geology of SBU campus
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Sea Level Rise and Flooding History of Long Island's South Shore Steven Goodbred Saturday October 30, 2004 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Geology of Central Park: From Rocks to Ice Charles Merguerian Saturday June 26, 2004
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Paleontology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Navesink Formation, New Jersey J. Bret Bennington Saturday October 18, 2003
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Evidence for the Supercontinent Rodinia in the Western Hudson Highlands, NY" Alec Gates Saturday June 28, 2003
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip "Glacial Geology of Caumsett State Park and Huntington-Northport Area" Bret Bennington and Gil Hanson Sunday November 3, 2002
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Hartford Basin, Connecticut" Gil Hanson Thursday June 27, 2002
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Bedrock Geology of NYC: More than 600 m.y. of geologic history" Pam and Pat Brock Saturday October 27, 2001
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip to Connecticut "The Source of Long Island’s Boulders?" Gilbert N. Hanson and Waldemar Pacholik Wednesday June 27, 2001
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip "The Origin of Long Island’s Boulders?" Waldemar Pacholik, Gilbert N. Hanson and Janet Kaczmarek October 28, 2000
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip "Geology of Ditch Plains and Hither Hills" John Black, Dan Davis, Elliot Klein and Les Sirkin October 23, 1999
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip Geology of the SUNY Stony Brook Campus Gil Hanson Saturday June 19, 1999
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip "The Nature Conservancy's David Weld Sanctuary, Nissequoque, NY"
Glenn Richard, Linda Selvaggio and Diane Donner SUNY Stony Brook Saturday October 31, 1998
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Field Trip Brookhaven National Laboratory John Black (GSI) Paul Boyce and Frank Castellano (PW Grosser Consulting) Saturday June 27, 1998
Previous Field Trip Announcements
Walking tour of Brookhaven Waste Management Facility: Waste Management in the 1990's David Tonjes Waste Management Institute, SUNY Stony Brook Saturday September 20, 1997.
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Field trip on Geology of the Flax Pond Salt Marsh and the Adjacent Gravel Beach and
Coastal Headlands" Glenn Richard SUNY Stony Brook Saturday June 14, 1997
During this field trip we will examine the morphology and substrate of a salt marsh,
the composition and morphology of a gravel beach, and the Pleistocene stratigraphy
and geomorphology of a coastal headland. The processes that created these features
will be considered, and where possible, at Flax Pond they will be observed and measured
as well. The trip will start at the Marine Sciences Research Center laboratory at
Flax Pond where we will enter the marsh and examine the salt peat on its surface and
the subsurface fresh peat. From there, we will walk along the gravel beach to the
inlet and then back to the laboratory for lunch. Afterwards, a walk along a road that
follows the western boundary of the marsh will take us to the coastal bluffs. At Crane
Neck Point, we will examine Pleistocene till and outwash as well as Holocene conglomerate.
From there, we will proceed along a gravel beach to the University's Sunwood Estate,
and then along the road back to our starting point.
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"A Transect through the Terminal Moraine and the Recessional Moraines of Eastern Long
Island" Les Sirkin, Adelphi University Saturday October 14, 1995
Previous Field Trip Announcements
"Geology and Biota of the Long Island Pine Barrens" Glenn A. Richard and Steven C. Englebright, SUNY Stony Brook Saturday September 24, 1994